Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Tuesday 23 February- Afternoon in the desert

Mary and Ron came back from shopping and we thought about lunch which for them is dinner. they eat their big meal in the middle of the day. while Ron went to Soak his toe and change the bandage we made lunch. Pork chops by Tony, Salad by Mary and Broccoli by Dennie and Potatoes by Ron. Will supervised. After cleaning up we went outside and sat in the sun for awhile. chatting away. Tony was looking at the construction methods and Will was loving the sunshine.
Mary and I went for a walk around the circle as it had warmed up nicely. We decided that what mary was wearing, a nice bright blue sweater was more appropriate for getting lost in the desert than my sandy coloured with the green trim fleece jacket. She would stand out and be found but I could lay there for a long time and no one would see me because I blended in so well with the desert. Time to get a new jacket.
As we walked we passed a few folks driving and everyone here waves and smiles so we wave and smile back. The guys were deep in conversation about nuclear power when we got back. I saw a lizard and tried to get a real good look at it so that I could find it in the lizard book. It might be a whiptail of some sort. It turns out after much research that it was a common side blotched lizard.
It started to cool off so we moved inside and had a little bite to eat. Ron says they always have three meals aday. maybe that is the secret to their longevity. Will was real bushed so he went to bed early. The reat of us watched the Olympics for a little while. the cross ski event was very exciting and canada won in the semifinals. I dont know who won the race because I got real tired too and went to bed around 9. Mary and Ron probably folwed very shortly .

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