We asked at the desk if there was something they could do about the bed and they sent up three men to flip the mattress around. We said we would give it a try and let them know how it all worked out.

When we arrived there was already a short line to get in so we were glad we got there early.

We headed out to get our coats. Another 20 minutes to get out through the rooms of more lovely art and artifacts and getting our coats. Catching the cab was again easy but he was not sure how to get to Radio City Music Hall as they were closing all kinds of streets in preparation for New Years Celebrations at Times Square, so he let us off fairly close to there and we asked some policemen where to go. They were very helpful and pointed us in the right direction. It started to spit rain off and on but not too bad.
We each bought a giant pretzel and ate that as our lunch as we wandered around New York looking for the Radio city Music Hall. We passed by Rockefeller center with its giant tree. And Saint Patricks Cathedral which is gorgeous. We would stop at almost every corner and ask where the address was to make sure we did not get turned around as it seemed very easy to get turned around alot. It was pretty wet and miserable, but we were so excited seeing New York that it did not bother us too much yet.
We got to Radio City at around 1 and there was already a line going halfway around the block for the show that started at two. At 130 they opened the doors for us and we went through security again and found the most charming interior with beautiful crystal chandeliers, red carpets and very theatrical red and gold walls decorated for christmas. We bought water and coke to wash away the saltiness of the giant pretzels. We had good seats right on the main floor on the aisle A314,313 right behind the ZZ row. Basically right in the middle of the theater.
The show was marvellous. I remember thinking when we were looking at things to do in New York and the radio city music hall came up, I thought, it must be so outdated by now as it has been around since 1933, but It was the best show we have seen in years. The new technology is utilized to its utmost without sacrificing the dancers talent or the singers voices. The Rockettes were spectacular. My favourite number was the march of the wooden soldiers with the synchronized marching of all the ladies. Exceptional! If I ever go back to New York and have the time I will be going back to see them again for sure.

We looked down many closed streets to see corners of times square all lit up. All the streets leading to times square were closed off and guarded by police from all over New York. I asked why and they said security, to make sure no one had access to the square, the manholes or the subways in and out of times square. No terrorists allowed. Made sense.
So we wandered around with the other one million people wandering around in the rain and looked for Bryant Park. We asked one set of policeman and Woman and they both pointed in opposite directions and then confessed they were not from this section of town. We all laughed as it was one of those great moments that you just cannot plan.
We did see Bryant park eventually but it had just closed by the time we got there which made us sad as we had tried so hard to get there before it closed for new years for dinner. Now it was raining so hard that, even with the umbrellas, we were getting wet all the way through. The wind was picking up too. I have to admit that the crush of people along with the rain and the tall buildings did in fact confuse my brain a lot and it wanted to faint at one point. Too much input and not enough fluids or quiet moments to reflect on all that we had to take in.
We did see the New York Public Library which always makes me think of the Ghostbusters and we did finally find a restaurant with room for us to sit down and dry off a bit and eat. It was so nice and warm so we stayed for awhile just enjoying our dinner. it was a crazy evening what with the weather and all but for all of that we had a good time.

We were pretty wet by the time we got back into our lovely, dry, clean tiny room and we were tired. Margie tried to go on line with her computer but it would not work, She could not even enter her password as the alpha keyboard would not work. We tried a lot of different things. Then she tried to use her phone but it would not work either. Did the evil taxi cab driver put a hex on us. I do not think so.

Having survived the day and accomplished all these things we managed to stay up and watch the ball drop in times square at midnight. We heard but did not see the fireworks at Central park for quite some time and I was asleep at 12:13 I am sure. Happy New Year!
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