Met peter rabbit this morning when I went out to get the paper.
Worked on the WW1 Diaries and then had breakfast with Uncle Ron and Aunt Mary.
We went for a stroll around the circle and I
got some photos of butterflies and flowers. I was surprised that there are still so many flowers blooming, of course they are in peoples yards and tended. there is not a lot blooming out on the desert.
one hummingbird posed for me ever so nicely but I did not want to scare it away so didn't get too close. They are so cute.
There are some flowering bushes down here with seed pods that almost look like pussy wuillows,
all fuzzy and soft but I did not touch them as everything down here seems to look fuzzy and soft and then it sticks you with thorns or some such thing.
About half way around the circle Uncle Ron offered Aunt Mary a seat to rest on in the shade of an appollo Verde ( Green Tree) and ever gracious she accepted.