Slept in till 7 because I woke up at 230?

do not know why. Probably coyotes or an owl outside the window. My window was open so I closed it but didn't fall back to sleep till around 5.
The day was lovely.
Did not go down to the shop, just for a little walk over to the wall behind the social club.
I did see a new thing .
A Climbing Milkweed which has very pretty flowers.

I looked it up when I got back. It seems to be considered a weed as it is poisonous to livestock.
Lots of old things too.
An Aberts Towhee,
that darn flicker,
lots of cactus wrens
and the mocking bird.
Rabbits and quail are a given on any hike or walk.
Every once in a while there are odd things to see too.

Just appearing out there as if dropped from the sky.
Had a nice breakfast of oatmeal with dates.
We went for a leisurely walk around the circle.
Back home to a crossword and some lunch of vegetarian sheppards pie.

(not bad but needed some spices I thought).
finished the crossword Aunt Mary and I listened to music and sang along with the old time songs.
she knows almost all the words to songs and poetry too.
She can recite all kinds of poems by heart.

That is what comes of being from an era wigh no TV and only radio and books to entertain. What a great memory. Uncle Ron kept us posted on the nuclear meltdown in Japan while also keeping a close eye on the golf channel. He is a very busy man.
I went for a walk before supper today on the hill across the was to the east.

Looking for snakes but I didn't see even one.
I did find 8 golf balls.
Every time I go for a walk along the sides of the golf course I pickup abandoned and lost golf balls .
I am collecting them into a basket to leave on the table for Dave and Colleen , like a bouquet to welcome them back.

there are now 32 golf balls.
All in all a pretty exciting day don't you think