Well I could walk but I had to hang onto the furniture as my balance was gone.

My first thought was "Oh No I've given us all food poisoning and we are going to die" but my stomach did not hurt so I ruled out food poisoning.
then tried to clear my ears and that helped so I made my way down to the kitchen and made some hot tea.
back up stairs and drank said tea and fell asleep again. When I woke up my ears were better a little.
I really do not want to fly with bad ears but today is the day so will just have to make sure to clear my ears a lot.
quiet day, just packing up and double checking that I didn't leave anything.
Sarah came with Keith to cleanup for Dave and Colleen tonight.
We went for a walk this afternoon and we met Mike and Anna, the new neighbours across the street. nice people and they gave us a tour of their new house.
very impressive.
Jim will be picking us up at round 4-430 to take us to the airport.
I plan on picking up a couple odd things at the airport with the US money I have left over. stocking stuffer things.
Our plane does not leave until 8 so we will have some time to fill while we are there.
we should get into Edmonton around 11 and be home to Aunt Mary and Uncle Ron's by Midnight. I will be spending the morning with them and then I am going to ask Sharon for a ride home after lunch.