At one point during the day the rain subsided enough that I went outside to get a photo of some flowers and found a road runner right beside the gate to Mary and Ron's back yard. It was very wet and obviously unhappy at the rain that had been pouring down on it all day long. I could not believe my luck.
Then I saw a female cardinal in the tree in their yard. I actually did not know what kind of bird it was when I took the picture, I looked it up in the bird book that Mary and Ron have. What a day!
I went in to tell Ron and Mary what I had seen. They were happy for me too. The Canadians won gold and I saw another roadrunner.The rain had stopped and the clouds were playing in the mountains, moving in and out and over the ridges and down into the valleys. The blue of the sky looked bluer next to the white and grey clouds.

A pair of ravens flew over. they were huge birds. It was gorgeous.
I took a lot of photos of the mountains hoping that some would turn out. Some did. I love digital cameras.
Mary, Ron and I played the CD's that we had picked up at the Celtic concert. I have to choose which one I like more, but I like them both. I like them both enough to have already downloaded them into my itunes library.
We watched the closing ceremonies after dinner and talked about walks in the area.
In a couple of days, when the ground has had a chance to dry up a little, I will go for a walk on the Hieroglyphic trail. It sounds like fun.
I had called the kids earlier but no one was home.
I tried again after dinner and got ahold of Shauna.
She told me that my two cats,
Buddy and Belle, missed me terribly.
She had to drive down Whyte ave and she said that it was crazy when the Canadians won the gold in hockey. That was to be expected.
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