In the morning there was a glass blowing demonstration by a German fellow and when asked for a volunteer to taste jaegermiester, I volunteered. It was not that bad really. I thought that that was all I had to do but I was rewarded for my bravery by getting to blow my own glass ornament. It was very fun and he even offered to give me a whole bottle of Jeagermeister which I promised to share with the entire ships passengers but when he gave me the tiny bottle I told the audience that I would not share. It was a lot of fun. I the showed everyone my glass ornament.

We then had lunch and when the ship pulled into Miltonberg we loaded onto buses and went on ur walking tour .Milton berg is very cool in that it has lots of medieval buildings. Lots of shops with signs to show what they sold - bread, chocolates, candies, pretzels, beer. We tried to get into the giant for a beer but did not succeed in our mission. We did however find some lovely souvenirs in the small sjhops around the town. Even though it was grey day it was a cheery town. The main square fountain was all decorated for easter.
We wandered down a small street and fund a fountain of three men peeing in the water the washrooms were loaded right there. We sprinkled Mom and Dad in the pansies by that fountain. We then wandered back to square with fountains in the middle of it. And of course I had rt try and walk through without getting wet. Back onto the bus and then back to the boat which had moved to the other side of town so that we were further down the river than when we had gotten off.
A quick visit to our room to put away our treasures of the day and off to dinner with new folks at a new table. We met Leslie and Barry who were from England and quite funny.
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