The Coliseum that was never really finished and now is a tourist attraction. We saw the giant field where the soldiers drilled in front of hitler and the sports field that is still used today adjacent to it. the justice building where the Nuremberg trials were held and the jail next to it where the Nazis were held pending trial.
We went back to the square to see the glockenspiel go off at the top of the hour which it did and it was wonderful. Lots of little people like musicians, bell ringers and bishops and kings and drummers, all busy doing things while the chines rang out.
We went to the Church behind the glockenspiel which was very Nice. Wikipedia says " The Church of Our Lady, built in the grand market, in place of the former Jewish synagogue, which was destroyed during the pogrom of 1349 (which followed an outbreak of Black Death). The architect was probably Peter Parker. Charles IV wanted to use the Frauenkirche for imperial ceremonies, which is reflected in the porch with the balcony, and in the fact that the church is relatively unadorned except for the coats of arms of the Holy Roman Empire, the seven Electors, the town of Nuremberg, and the city of Rome, where the Holy Roman Emperors were crowned.
We went to the Easter market and shopped around . Margie found some very nice curtains and I found food, a kind of donut, rolled onto wooden dowels and baked in an oven then pulled off in large donut like roll that was very tasty.
We went back to our pickup points and got back on the bus but we did not go back to the boat right away. the boat was delayed so they arranged for us all to have a drink at a lovely restaurant and after a short relaxing break, we got back on the bus and went back to the boat. So glad we had that little treat at the market.
Dinner and lounge and chatting with friends aboard ship about all the adventures of our day.
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