When we got to the spot where the boat 'Dolly' was moored we found out that it was booked solid for the next two trips. We stayed around having a coffee and relaxing. There was a bit of a breeze off of the water and I can just imagine that in the summer this would be a very busy place.

We headed off for Goldfield , the mining ghost town.
There were some tourist buses in the parking lot and we really hoped that we did not run into one of them on the road back, especially on a corner.
We got to the ghost town and headed up the street. Well, Tony pushed Will up and I walked along side.
We were looking for a restaurant for lunch and the Mammoth Saloon, which was our choice, was almost at the top of the hill. The replica mining town has several little shops and museums and historical information
type places. Including a bordello.
When Will said that for all his talk he had never been in an actual bordello we knew we had to get him in there. We got the next best thing. One of the 'Ladies' came out and posed with Will and did he blush or what. It was fun.
The Saloon had live music and the singer was not bad.
He was singing John Denver and Kenny Rogers tunes.
At first we could not find a ramp to get to the seating outside but when we asked they told us where it was and we settled ourselves in to a comfy
picnic table with a great view of Superstition mountain. I had a cheese quesadilla, Tony and Will had sandwiches. The meal was good and the menu was in an old newspaper style with stories about the mine and Goldfield. It was very cute.
Our waitress Tiffany was actually from West virginia so when we asked her how do you pronounce Saguaro cactus she did not know but she did find out for us. We found out that you do not pronounce the g so it is said like 'suearo'.
After we ate Tony thought he would like to look around for the plant book that we had decided would make a great gift for Mary and Ron. Just a little thank you for having them and they said it would be a gift for me too as I was always looking at the plants and didn't know what they were. We all agreed and Tony
left Will and I to our own Devices.
This older gentleman with a fiddle came out and started to play. He asked Will what his name was and made up a song about Will and eating butter beans. It was actually pretty good. Amusing enough to make us laugh and give him a few bucks.
We took pictures and moved into the sun to warm up a bit. We are such lizards.
After a while of enjoying the sun and scenery we headed out and found Tony who was just coming in. We wandered around the town and bought a book that Tony had found,' Wildflowers of the southwestern Arizona'.
I found some rattlesnake eggs for Terrance my grandson and some cookie cutters for Corryn. I also mailed 35 postcards that I had written over the last few days.
Everyone should get their cards before I get back. I only have 10 more now to write up and get sent off but I think I can do that in the next few days.
We went into the Reptile exhibit . At First Will was a little hesitant about going in but once there he was just as fascinated as I was.
It was very interesting and warm too, they had it at about 90 degrees in there I think. After that we wandered down the street. past the jail and the old mine that you could go down into if you wanted but none of us wanted to. We stopped for an ice cream cone at the bottom of the street and just relaxed again from our hard afternoon of wandering.
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