We all slept in. I got up at 7 and for me that was sleeping in. Will was already awake and so I went and chatted with him until Tony came to get him up.
Tony started to get Will up and realized that the door to the washroom was blocking the lift so Will could not quite fit in so after a small conference with Ron, Tony took the door off and I helped him put it out of the way in the storage room under the stairs. It was Heavy.
We all sat down to breakfast and had a lovely time. Mary and Ron love to meet new people. 

After breakfast Will, tony and I went for a walk around the neighbourhood and Mary and Ron went to the store.
It was a lovely warm day. back to summer for us.
We walked down East lost Gold Circle to the entrance to Lost Gold Estates and took a picture of Will with some cactus. Tony parked Will and took a few steps away to get a picture. Will's chair started to roll toward a cactus. Well if it wasn't so scary it would have been funny. After we both jumped and stopped his forward motion into the cactus we all laughed.
We walked around to South Lost Gold Circle and followed it up the hill. I was pushing Will at the start but fairly soon I gave it over to Tony. It is a steep hill. When we got to the top we stopped for a breather and all enjoyed the views. Will hadn't even broken a sweat. The development has a wall all the way around it and that was a topic for awhile. Tony had to push Will across a gravely road for a little while but we made it and Tony got his workout for the day.
There was alot of water around after yesterdays storm. We saw a small rodent running around but could not quite make out what it was. It was fast.
Bunnies, and birds, lots of birds. We even saw a red bird. Turns out it was a cardinal but before I blew this photo up there was much speculation and looking in the bird book when we got home. Turns out that Tony is also curious enough to look these things up.
My first Cardinal. Very exciting. I was so glad that the weather was warming up and was more like what we all thought Arizona should be like in February.
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