There was a small moment of panic with regards to the payment for the boat. I thought I could use my visa and that it cost 80 euros. Maureen thought it was cash and that it cost 40 euros each. In the process of finding out that the price was in fact 40 euros each and had to be in cash, I learned that the phone system in Ireland is different than our own.
There you dial the number and wait to hear someone speak, then you put in your coins. It felt like too much pressure for me and I actually screwed up the first time and then didn't get all the right information the second time. The fellow from Germany with his two sons was gracious and loaned me 60 cents as I had run out of the proper coins.We told them about the trip to Cape Clear island and they told us about cycling all over Ireland. We all had a very sociable morning.
Doing the dishes looking out at the hills of Ballinskellig I saw a bunny playing in the brush along the wall to the hostel yard. Fauna. It was cute. Packed up our room and headed out.

I am getting tired all ready. It was still foggy at 930.
I decided to bring both my cameras, the waterproof one for the boat and my digital for the island.
So far I have taken 1355 pictures. Can that be right?
I got a real chuckle out of one sign on the road.
Bump! Thats a good one considering the roads, although in that area, they actually were not all that bad.
We first went to the post office and mailed a bunch of postcards.
Maureen checked into her phone card but no help there (but in a very nice way)and into mailing a parcel. 30 euros for 5 lbs! Maureen said she'll wear everything.
Stopped for a coffee at the little coffee shop on the beach and what a beach. I can just see thousands of people there in the summer and there would be room to spare.
There was an old abby that we would have liked to get out to but we ran out of time
On to the the boat wharf. Maureen left her lunch at the hostel and I didn't think to ask her if she grabbed it when I packed the food out into the car. Oh well we will make one out of the food that got brought.
My finger hurts. Left hand, middle finger, middle knuckle, little bruise. It will get better. I don't remember banging it on anything?
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