Peggy's cove is built on a big rock or a collection of really big rocks. It is a very picturesque small town, a village really or actually, maybe even a hamlet, mainly for the tourists now with a few shops and B'Bs and a big restaurant and gift shop. It Also has a very large parking lot for the tour buses and cars. We found a parking spot and went to see the world famous lighthouse. We had heard about the lighthouse at Peggy's cove for years and had seen photos of it. A pretty white and red lighthouse on a rock. Nice, right? But until you see it for yourself you have no idea that it is a lighthouse on a rock, a really big rock, a humungous rock. the whole area is a big rock. It is wonderful.
Part of the walk out to the sea was quite tricky and we had help from a young man who was there with his girlfriend. Such a nice young man. We took lots of photos out there on the rocks. Photos of the lighthouse , of the Atlantic ocean, of the coast made of rocks, of each other. We did see the black rocks and even though the sea was calm, we were not tempted to try our luck.
Lunenburg is about an hour and half down the coast by the scenic route which was very picturesque, but we would have taken the faster route if we had known about it. Lunenburg is a much bigger town than Peggy's cove. It has lots of very cool old houses with lots of interesting shops and restaurants. And there were the docks with lots of different boats. Fishing boats, charter boasts and of course the Blue nose II.
The Blue nose II is a lovely tall ship that we went on and found out that every morning, that it is in harbour, it does a harbour tour. If we had of known that we would have stayed one night in Lunenburg just to go on the tour. It is a lovely ship with all the rigging and the sails and a steering wheel too.
We wandered around Lunenburg for a bit longer, finding souvenirs and washrooms and tea. Then we headed back to Halifax the fast way, not the scenic way. We got back to Halifax and to our hotel and decided to stay closer for dinner so just went across the street to a nice little sushi place. yum.
the next day was going to be a big day as we were going to PEI by way of the Confederation Bridge. Exciting!
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