Paris has 37 bridges across the Seine, of which 3 are pedestrian only and 2 are rail bridges. Three link Ile Saint Louis to the rest of Paris, 8 do the same for Ile de la cite and one links the 2 islands to each other. A list follows, from upstream of the city to downstream:
Pont de la Pont de Tolbiac - never saw it
Pont de la Pont de Tolbiac - never saw it
Passerelle Simone-de-Beauvoir (pedestrian), - never saw it
Pont de Bercy (made up of a railway bridge carrying the Line 6 of the Paris Metro and another stage for road traffic) ; - saw it as a bridge in the distance from other bridges.
Pont Charles-de-Gaulle (1996) - saw this bridge in the distance when we, Maureen and I, were walking to the apartment on the 23rd Saturday morning and from other bridges and from the boat tours.
Pont d'Austerlitz - did see this bridge when we, Maureen and I, were walking to the apartment on the 23rd, saturday morning, and again on the boat cruise and bateau bus excursions we took throughout the week.
Pont de Sully constructed 1875-1876 made of cast iron (crosses the eastern corner of Île Saint-Louis from one bank of the seine to the other) - used this one on the morning of the 28 when I went for a walk by myself to the rive droit....and saw it again from the river on the boat cruise and bateau bus excursions we took throughout the week.
Pont Marie constructed 1614-1635 masonry one of the three oldest bridges in Paris (between Île Saint-Louis and the rive droite) - We used this one on the Friday the 23 to go shopping and I used this one on the morning of the 28th when I went for a walk early by myself. This was the bridge that was closest to our apartment.... and we saw it again from the river on the boat cruise and bateau bus excursions we took throughout the week.
Pont Saint-Louis current foot bridge 1969-1970 replaced many times (pedestrian only between Île de la Cité and the Île Saint-Louis) - We used this bridge alot when we were going to and from the Cathedral, Saint Chappelle and the Ile de la Cite. There were lots of musicians and buskers on this one almost every evening.
Pont de l'Archeveche the narrowest bridge across the siene and one covered in locks. (between the rive gauche and Île de la Cité) - saw it again from the river on the boat cruise and bateau bus excursions we took throughout the week. used this one on the night we had dinner on the lovely boat on the river.
Pont d'Arcole 1854 metal (between Île de la Cité and the rive droite) I am sure we went on this bridge I am just not sure when. Saw it again from the river on the boat cruise and bateau bus excursions we took throughout the week.
Petit Pont Possible the earliest bridge site in paris rebuilt many times of wood. in 1186 rebuilt of stone and restored eleven times 1852 current masonry bridge. (between the rive gauche and Île de la Cité) I think we used this bridge the night of our dinner going back over to the cathedral square. Saw it again from the river on the boat cruise and bateau bus excursions we took throughout the week
Pont Notre-Dame Oldest historic crossing with many wooden bridges prior to 1512 rebuilt of masonry and now combined steel and masonry. (between the Île de la Cité and the rive droite) Saw it again from the river on the boat cruise and bateau bus excursions we took throughout the week
Pont au Change 1441 King Louis VII ordered all of the exchanges into the same area on and around this bridge. (between the Île de la Cité and the Rive Droite)
Passerelle des Arts 1803 and rebuilt in 1882 of metal with a wood walkway (pedestrian) - Margie and I crossed this one Sunday Morning and I met two very drunk young men sitting on a bench in the middle of the bridge. when I said what a lovely view one of the young men said 'it is a f***ing lovely panorama' ... very funny. we saw it again from the river on the boat cruise and bateau bus excursions we took throughout the week.
Pont du Carrousel 1834 and rebuilt in 1935 (as seen from the Passerelle ses Arts) - I belive that this is the one at the end of the Musee Dorsay. It has 4 statues on it depicting 4 we went under this one for sure.
Pont Royal - 1685 we did this one
Passerelle Leopold-Sedar-Senghor (1999) a metal footbridge since 1859 and rebuilt in 1993 (pedestrian, formerly the Passerelle de Solférino, renamed in 2006) it has 2 arcs which allow for the passage of people to different levels on each side of the river.
Pont de la concorde - I think we did this one on the red bus
Pont des Invalides -
Pont de l'Alma -
Passerelle Debilly (pedestrian) -
Pont d'lena -
Pont Rouelle (rail viaduct for line C of the RER crossing the ile aux Cygnes) we may have seen this one from the RER to Vesailles
Pont de Grenelle (crossing the Île aux Cygnes) we may have seen this one on Monday from the bus for Mont St Michelle and on friday from the RER to Vesailles

Pont Mirabeau - we saw this one on Monday from the tour bus from Mont St Michele on the way back after a five hour bus ride ...It was green.
Pont du Garigliano - we may have seen this one from the bus on Monday for Mont St Michelle and on friday on the RER to Vesailles
Pont aval (used by the boulevard périphérique, at the river's exit from the city - we may have seen this one on Monday on the bus to Mont St Michelle and on Friday from the RER to Vesailles
Pont de Grenelle (crossing the Île aux Cygnes) we may have seen this one on Monday from the bus for Mont St Michelle and on friday from the RER to Vesailles
Pont Mirabeau - we saw this one on Monday from the tour bus from Mont St Michele on the way back after a five hour bus ride ...It was green.
Pont du Garigliano - we may have seen this one from the bus on Monday for Mont St Michelle and on friday on the RER to Vesailles
Pont aval (used by the boulevard périphérique, at the river's exit from the city - we may have seen this one on Monday on the bus to Mont St Michelle and on Friday from the RER to Vesailles
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