We thought that we would check out the casino first so around 10 we headed off to Laughlin. I quess they have
been working on the road for about three years which I find hard to believe as it isn't really that long of a street. We got to Harrahs which is at the far end of Laughlin and found the parking garage. Then we had to find our way into the casino.
Luckily for us an employee was also going in to the casino and so we asked if we could tag along until we got in the door. She was very nice and took us through the maze of bridges and elevators to the front door. Checked out the gift shop and got some postcards.
We gambled on some penny and nickel and quarter slots. they are confusing as to how much one is actually betting or how many lines you are betting or how many numbers you are betting. I blew almost all my winnings from the bingo night. I played about 7 penny machines and lost 99 cents. Aunt Doris was braver and lost 5 bucks at one machine. She says you gotta bet big to win big. Then we had a nice buffet lunch.
It was nothing to write home about but the dessert section was pretty good.
After lunch we found our way back out of the casino, back out of Laughlin and went home to get the gold panning equipment. A couple of buckets, a small shovel and a small pick axe.
Off we went again with a small stop at Wallmart to check on her prescriptions. She is having a heck of a time getting them transfered from Alaska to down here. Then on down to the Oatman Hwy (the nice west side) and up it.
We found a wash, Aunt Doris showed me where to look for the best results, we dug a little here and a little there and went home again. Before we got home we went exploring a little.
We found a big wash right behind her place with a concrete canal to gather the water. She did not know it was there so now she might not have to go so far for gold. Back to the house. Then came the sorting, sifting and panning. Aunt Doris said that we could have sifted in the desert but she forgot the sieves to take out the bigger rocks and pebbles.
They usually do that in the desert to save time. After about 30 minutes of panning I found gold. About the size of the pin prick end of a needle, not the head of the needle, the other end. But it is gold! The wind was getting cold so we went inside for a nice big salad with boiled egg for supper and then that jigsaw puzzle. I did not get it done but I did manage to get a corner finished.
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