Got to the Gecko by 520 and had to wait for it to open.
Luckily there was a gentleman also waiting for the cafe to open and we got to talking about cameras so the time went very quickly.

The cafe opened and boy was it hot inside.
Charlie, who wasn't feeling real well, said that the equipment running all night always heated the little cafe up tremendously when the place was locked up.
I had my tea and read the paper.
None of the folks who I had met last time I was in were there.
I left around 6 and went to the guard house to drop off the bike.
Walked over to the trail head for Silly Mountain just east of superstition. It was about 630 am.
I quess I was on the Huff and Puff trail to start,
as by the time I got to the top, I was certainly huffing and puffing. I got to the top at about 650, so it was not a long hike just a lot of up. the weather was cloudy but very pleasant. then around 7, the wind started.
On Jack Rabbit Trail I met two gentlemen who were traveling fast and were obviously in real good shape.
The first of the gentlemen said that he had been to the top of the flat iron mountain(5000 ft) 5 times and his friend concurred saying he was in way better shape than himself.
We moved onto Coyote Loop and then onto Crest Trail.
They were both soon out of my sight
but I met a lady with her two dogs coming towards me on the narrow trail.
I was glad to see them on the leash as the trail was narrow and if they were real happy to see me and jumped on me I might fall down the hill, which at that point had quite a steep incline.
Everyone here keeps their dogs on a leash at all times.
I think it is to keep them,
the dogs, safe from all the pokey, cactusy things in the desert. The trails were all very good and with little signs at each crossing and intersection.
I thought that the first hill I climbed was the top of the mountain as it seemed to be very high, but I came across a sign that told me I had now reached the high point of the hike.
There was some lichen or moss growing on the rocks that was to me a little unusual. It was black and fluffy. odd . very exciting moment although a little anticlimactic as I thought that I had reached the high point earlier.
Idecidednot to take the Old mine trail down the south face of the mountain to the highway, following instead the Old Baldy Trail down the east side to meet up with a so far unnamed trail back to the trailhead where I had started.
I did notice that the closer I got to the "civilised' part of the walk there were more birds and flowers.
I got back to the guard house where they told me I had just missed, by moments, seeing a big bobcat.
I did see a female cardinal and a whole bunch of other birds.
I grabbed my bike and headed up the hill.
When I passed the 5 grackles sitting on the ridge of a roof I had to pull over and see what they were looking at.
They were, all five of them, looking straight up at the sky. I think it must have been some kind of courtship thing. It looked really funny.
I passed 4 ladies walking and then I passed one lady walking. Pam who lives here year round except for july and August when she goes to visit her kids in Iowa. Nice lady. got home and shared my stories with Aunt Mary and Uncle Ron.
After they had their breakfast we went to the golf course where Uncle Ron hit a few balls and putted a bit.
Aunt Mary and I sat and watched. At one point the mountain disappeared due to the dust in the air. that is a lot of dust.
Home for lunch and then a quick review of the Blog with Aunt Mary.
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