Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Tuesday November 9- I slept in

I heard an owl last night around 1230. I had been woken up by my hacking and coughing cold. After I got some thera flu in me ( they don't sell neo citran down here) I heard the owl. who.. who.. who... clear as a bell and there was an answering call from further down the golf course. Tonight I am going to play the owl call from my computer that I think it is and see if he will answer. I fell asleep again but I woke up about every hour what a drag!
But I did sleep in till about 930 which for me is amazing.
had a bran muffin for breakfast and then Uncle Ron , Aunt Mary and I went for a walk. I showed them where the bobcat came out of the brush and I measured the barrel cactus that it walked by.
It was up to my knees.
Saw a lizard in a drain pipe and thought maybe he was trapped in there so put a stick in so he could climb out. I will look him up in the reptile book and see if I can figure out what kind he is.
Lots of butterflies around, monarchs and golden yellow ones that I can't seem to get a picture of.
We are going to have a quiet day today. Uncle Ron is busy making lunch. He likes to take care of us. Actuaslly since My cold bloomed yesterday he is being very careful about me not touching anything of thiers so as to not spread my cold . I would feel awful if they got this cold from me.

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