There were puddles collected in the lower sections from the last rainfall.In no time we were in the wilderness with no sign or sound of human habitation except maybe an airplane far overhead. As we worked our way up the arroyo there were cow tracks going back and forth across the wash and the occasional gift of pies. Giant cactus were up on the flats above the wash and we thought they must be two hundred years old.
There were rocks of many sizes and colours in the wash. Over the walk I collected 4 small stones, one for each direction. I try to keep my rock collecting down as I tend to gather far too many for traveling with. They add a lot of weight to one's suitcase and they really are not all that practical.
By the halfway point of the hike it had started to rain a steady gentle drizzle. The sky was now socked in and getting darker. as we worked our way bak I took some photos of an undercut bank with burrows dug in by some ground squirrel type creature whose identity I could only have determined through its droppings. I am that curious a person that I would research it to find out when I got back home, warm and dry.
The closer we got to the end of the hike the harder it rained and we ended up taking cover in an entry way to a house under a small overhang. I was dressed warmer than Jo who had decided to wear cut offs. We waited for Mary and Ron who are always very prompt. when the rain let up a little we walked up to the gate and on the way saw a centipede crossing the road. It was about 2 1/2 inches long and big enough that I am sure an eagle flying high in the sky would have seen it on a clear day. Mary and Ron finally pulled in and told us that they had an adventure of their own.
They had taken the van into the shop to have the oil changed and lubrication things done. while there the fellows checked the air in the tires and noticed that one valve had broken off. A search for the spare tire followed requiring much investigative work as the tire is attached to the underside of the van and can only be released from the inside of the vehicle. needless to say we all decided to go home and stay there. safe, warm and dry.
we had lunch and then Mary and I did a crossword puzzle while Ron watched some golf on TV and Jo went up and got warm in bed watching a movie. It rained off and on all day never clearing up enough to see blue sky. for dinner we had baked potatoes, broccoli and pork with apple sauce. I had cheese on my broccoli, no little faces for me. I don't eat anything with a face.
It turned into movie night. we watched The young Black Stallion and then the National Treasure 2. it was only 9:45 when we all hit the sack dreaming of desert sands and golden cities no doubt.
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