5 am - off out the door with:

3 granola bars
a bottle of water
one camera
One pair of sunglasses
One minute flashlight just in case the half moon was not bright enough.
Followed the golf path to the end of the wall
Turned East on the road on the other side of the wall.
There were owls calling to each other from opposite sides of the road.

There were coyotes singing to each other from across the valley.
there were stars in the sky in abundance.
Venus was brilliant.
There was a bunch of noises in a bush so I took a picture to see if any eyes were looking out at me, but there were none.
The half moon was indeed bright enough to walk by.

at 545 I got to the trail head for the hieroglyphic trail.
I headed up and it was actually Quite fun,
in the moonlight ones' depth perception seems to falter a little.
I moved slowly and made it up to the superstition gate by 630am. My mind is funny in that while I walk I come up with poetry to describe whatever is happening.

Usually not good poetry but it is fun. Such as.
"I followed a trail in the moonlight,
So bright that the trail was like daylight,
the stars overhead were sparkling bright
and some noises they gave me a fright,
But I know there's no Bear here
or sasquatch to fear
so I'll trip right along
with a traveling song
and get to the top
that's where I'll stop

pictures to see written on rock
of these I will talk.
now the hike is all done and now its not dark
this hike in the moonlight was really a lark.
It was still dark but by this time the sunrise was thinking about happening.
By the time I got up to the canyon, around 7 the sun was the light that I was walking with.

The birds woke up and there were some lovely songs that I have never heard before.
I climbed over rocks as big rooms in a house.
I looked at the petroglyphs.
I climbed higher in the canyon than I ever had before.
I ate a granola bar and had some water.
There were little birds who kept me company.
I could hear those little cliff squirrels but did not see any.
I got a great shot of the balancing rock.

I really does look like it should fall.
I stayed there for quite some time just poking around.
About 8 am I headed back down.
I then started to run into folks on their way up.
The first couple was very surprised to see me.
He was a photographer and carrying his tripod and camera and she was a tag along.

The next two were joggers! are they crazy running on that rocky trail?
A couple of sisters with two kids,
two gents dressed for hiking.
a family.
Going down went a lot faster than the going up took.
They really should oil the Superstition gate as it is the squeakiest thing in the world
I got down to the directional sign s for the two trails at about 8.45.

One can choose to either go to the Lost Goldmine Trail or the Hieroglyphic trail.
Since I had just finished the H Trail, and it was only 845 I figured I had time.
I decided to try the Lost goldmine Trail, never having been down that one before
It goes East and is not as rough a trail as the hieroglyphic.

It is lovely with lots of ups and downs and twists but it is much longer.
It follows the wire fence to the Superstition Wilderness for some of the time and brings one quite close to the mountain on the other side on the H. Trail.
At about 915 I turned around and headed back thinking that I had gone about two miles by that time wasn't sure how long this trail was to start with.

When I got back to the directional signs I ran into a multi generational family, a grandfather, his married children and their three children.
They wanted to take the Lost Goldmine trail and were curious what kind of trail it was.
Got back to the trail head at about 940 and ran into a couple who were hiking the trail for the first time.

The trail was very clear and well marked. I reassured her that they could not get lost. He said , "You wanna bet". We all laughed.
I took a look at the legend and found out that the last trail is about 5 and a half miles long.
Headed back to the house. The sun was out now and it was getting warm.

I saw a Raven flying to the moon.
I got back home by 1030 and shared all my stories with Aunt Mary and Uncle Ron who were just finishing their breakfast.
We went for a walk after my shower.
Then we went to the golf course and Uncle Ron hit a few balls while Aunt Mary and I did a Crossword puzzle and ordered lunch.

On the way home we toured the neighbourhood. golden eagle circle is nice.
a light supper after sitting on the patio and listening to music and Narnia.
We finished listening to the Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe.
Supper and a nice chat.
Another exciting day.