Woke up stupidly early and read some

"Under the Tuscan Sun' on my Kobo.
Uploaded photos to facebook.
Jo came down and made a statement and went back upstairs.
Charlotte came down and we chatted and laughed about my photos that I had uploaded.

Jo came down later and joined in the fun.
Aunt Mary and Uncle Ron got up at 810 and Jim pulled in at 815.
Said good bye to Charlotte - Hugs and Jo - Handshake.
Chatted with Margie on facebook and made plans to go to the new twilight movie when I get back.

Walked around the circle with Aunt Mary and saw my first wild praying mantis! it was on the road and I am not even sure how I saw it as it almost blended in with the pavement.
I got a photo and then took a stick and moved it to a bush. Poor thing did not look to good.

Speaking of which I found a bird skewered onto a cactus. I have a picture but am not putting it on the blog as it is too sad. It must have been blown there during the last bad wind storm we had. Euwwww. there was what looked like the beginnings of a nest in the cactus so maybe it was trying to build a nest when it got blown into the spines?
A little further around the circle we met Laurie and

Sophie. We had met them last time we were here. Sophie was a much smaller puppy then and she has grown into a lovely vishla(?)
Went for lunch at the Red Sage where, again or still, there was lots of food. Stopped of at Walgreens for batteries and chapstick and then Bashaws for bananas.

Forgot to mail the parcel for Aunt Doris.
Tomorrow morning.
Did the crossword with Aunt Mary while Uncle Ron took a break on the computer. Then we sang songs, oldies but goodies.

Tea and cookies at 330 but I had water. I had already had my two big cups of tea this morning.
The weather is gorgeous but it is supposed to start cooling off for the weekend by 10 degrees.
Went for a walk up the hill tonight to look over that big house on the hill.

I saw some birds and got some good shots and on the way back thought that I had missed getting a shot of two very large hawks but then heard and saw on on the chimney of the neighbours house. I think it is a harrier but I will have to look it up. very large.