Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Wednesday 24 november - a wee hike

This morning I woke a 4 am so typed WW1 Diaries until 630 then got ready to go out for a hike to the mountain.
The sunrise was gorgeous .
The air was freezing.
I swear I could see my breath.
I followed the golf path to the break in the wall and headed up.
Up past the wire fence to keep the cows in.
the sun was just coming out and kissed the tops of the mountains.
I did not see any cows this morning.
The Mountains cast a long shadow over the neighbouring mountains across the valley.
I continued up past the end of the road and the path.
Up past where I had never gone before.
I ate a granola bar as I walked along and thought of snakes and cougars and havelina.
I cut over west, following the easiest and most open areas and found another road.
I walked up it up for a while and when it twisted back down the hill I set off again into the wilderness, only to find,
possiby the same road again about 5 minutes later.
It must have twisted back towards the mountain later on.
Again I followed the small rocky trail until it came to an opening and there was another wire fence.
The gate to Superstiton wilderness.
Now I was really going where I had never been before.
There was a trail of sorts which led
north into thick brush in low arroyos so that I could not even see the valley below.
I could of course still see the mountain and just kept going that direction.
The trail disappeared and I ended up weaving my way through brush and cactus, over rocks and around trees.
Sometimes I felt like I was going back downhill in order to find a way uphill.
I saw an openish kind of area and headed for that
and then wound my way up the hill until I could go no further without actually climbing some rocks or going off to one side or the other to find a path up.
I had decided that actually climbing in piles of rocks would probably not be the safest thing for a loan hiker to do.
Since it was then 8:15ish I thought well maybe now is a good time to turn around.
I had succeeded in my mission and had reached the part of the hill that I wanted too.
About 1 third up from the bottom of the ridge that then goes up the mountain.
So I looked for a place to put the camera to film my success and managed to poke my finger with a jumping cactus.
They do not make very good stands for cameras.
I ended up just filming myself.
Going down was not as difficult as I thought it would be .
There was, at one point, something poking me in the leg.
and when I checked to see what it was discovered a large cactus spine had somehow gone through my jeans and was sticking into my leg.
After I pulled the needle out of my leg, I poked it back through my jeans poking my finger in the process.
I took a shot of those misty mountains through my sunglasses. I think the photo is other worldly.
I found a wire fence running up and down the hill instead of across and thought I was on the wrong side so slid under it carefully and followed the trail along the fence for quite awhile.
When I thought that I had gone far enough down that I should be able to cut over to the road I ventured away from the fence and headed west.
It was not too long and I was indeed on a road of sorts. A trail really for Atvs that was not the road that I thought it would be. How many roads are there out here?
I followed this road down until it came to the wall that surrounds the subdivision.
I followed the wall back to the opening and came home.
the golf maintenance guys were still out so I followed the golf path.
It seems so funny to see them bundled up in toques and coats when they are cutting the grass on a golf course. The rest of the day was quiet. a breakfast , a crossword, a lunch, a nap, a few laughs with Aunt Mary and Uncle Ron. Tomorrow is their 66th anniversary.

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